When Tara was about sixteen months old, the hubby and I decided we could face having another child. The week of Christmas 2014 was when we officially decided to start trying.

When we decided to try for Tara, I had to go off birth control. They say it can take three months for it to completely leave your system. The fourth month is when we achieved Tara. This time I didn’t have to go off birth control, because upon trying to start taking it again after Tara was born, we discovered it made me a little cuckoo. That being said, the hubby expected it to take a few months, and I kind of did too. However, I also suspected it might happen right away.

About a week after New Year’s, I noticed I was getting really cranky and was super tired, no matter how much caffeine I drank. The crank was new, but the fatigue – oh that was familiar. I knew I should wait until I officially missed my period and take the test first thing in the morning for best results, but after waking up from a nap that was necessary (I was getting frustrated with the toddler), I knew. If I was feeling these kinds of effects, the test should show anyway.

I took the test in the mid afternoon or so, and sure enough there was a little plus sign. Strangely, while not shocking or anything, I still needed to take a picture of it and send it to my best friend asking if she saw it too. Naturally she freaked (in a good way).

I then showed the hubby the picture, and he was a little on the surprised side. While knowing there was a chance we could get pregnant right away, he really and truly expected it to take a couple months.

Online calculators put the due date at September 22, 2015 and when we saw the doctor, she confirmed that. I had even found out I was pregnant a week sooner than I had with Tara.

So, yeah…there was a lot less anticipation and genuine surprise this time around, but no less excitement. Tara of course didn’t get it, and still doesn’t yet, but we are very excited to give her a little brother about a month after she turns two (even if we keep telling ourselves “I can’t believe we’re having another baby!”) 😛


life, pregnancy, second baby, surprise

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