Rendezvous with Yesterday Playlist from Dianne DuvallRendezvous with Yesterday by Dianne Duvall
Series: The Gifted Ones #2
Format: Book
Pages: 358

Modern-day bounty hunter Bethany Bennett helps her brother track two fugitives to a forest outside of Houston, Texas. But what should have been a routine apprehension of two bail skippers spirals out of control and ends in violence. After Beth and her brother are both seriously injured, a mysterious figure suddenly looms over her. And, when the smoke clears, Beth finds herself not only in another place, but in another time.As Lord Robert, Earl of Fosterly, attempts to identify and track down the nameless enemy who has been plaguing his lands and people with violence, the most peculiar woman stumbles into his path. Small, vulnerable, yet possessed of a bold, fiery spirit and wicked sense of humor, she persists in dubbing Robert and his men members of something called a medieval reenactment group . . . until she sees his castle and labels herself mad. It seems bounty hunter Bethany Bennett has come to him from the future, bringing with her laughter and chaos, swiftly winning the hearts of his people and inspiring within him a love he thought he would never experience again. But when Robert discovers a way for her to return to her time, will the love they share be enough to keep them together?+ Bonus Scene

Also by this author: Immortal Guardians Audiobooks, The Lasaran, Broken Dawn

Thanks to Author’s Taproom for hosting this tour. Please help me welcome Dianne Duvall today as she shares a little bit about the music related to her books! Welcome 🙂 <3


Thank you for joining me today! I’m very happy to be here at Buffy’s Ramblings, celebrating the upcoming release of my time travel romance RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY. And thank you, Buffy, for letting me visit again!

I’ve noticed that more and more readers are requesting playlists from authors and seem especially interested in what authors listen to while they write. I think I may be a little bit in the minority as far as authors go, because I usually don’t listen to music while I write. (If a song is playing while I’m working, I will more often than not end up signing along in my head and lose focus.) But, the fact that I don’t listen to music while I write does not, however, mean that music and writing never intermingle for me.

Certain songs always bring specific characters or scenes to mind. Some songs may not surprise you. Others you might find downright peculiar and wonder what in the world they have to do with paranormal, historical or time travel romance. My Immortal Guardians in particular tend to bring songs to mind that I’m certain you’ll never seen on another author’s playlist.

So, bizarre though it may seem, here is a list of songs I associate with my family of gifted ones and immortals:

1) Droppin’ Plates—Disturbed. This song often makes me think of Bethany (RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY) and Tracy (NIGHT UNBOUND) because both like Disturbed.

2) All Along the Watchtower—Jimi Hendrix. This one brings Bethany and her brother Josh (RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY) to mind.

3) Before I’m Dead—The Kidney Thieves. This song I always associate this with Immortal Guardian Lisette d’Alençon (NIGHT UNBOUND).

4) Down With the Sickness—Disturbed. I actually associate this with my entire Immortal Guardians series since the vampires and immortals that people it are both infected with a virus that lends them their strength, speed, incredible regenerative capabilities, etc. After I wrote NIGHT UNBOUND, it also made me think specifically of Zach. 

5) Sing, Sing, Sing—performed by Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa, and a host of other talented musicians. I can’t hear this now without thinking of Lisette, Zach, Heather, and Ethan (NIGHT UNBOUND). I actually listened to it while I wrote and edited the “date” scene.

6) Squirrels in My Pant—Phineas and Ferb. Fans of my Immortal Guardians books are no doubt snickering over this one. This song, of course, makes me think of Étienne (DARKNESS RISES).

7) I Feel Pretty—West Side Story. I know. Weird, right? But again, fans of my Immortal Guardians series will know why this makes me think of Étienne. LOL.

8) Come and Get Your Love—Redbone. For some reason, I always picture Marcus and Ami (NIGHT REIGNS) dancing playfully together when I hear this. Those two come to mind a lot when I listen to music.

9) Monster—Skillet. I think of both Seth and Zach when I hear this one now (NIGHT UNBOUND).

10) Be My Life’s Companion—The Mills Brothers. Immortal Guardians fans (and readers who find him intriguing in The Gifted Ones series) may be interested in knowing that lately this one has been bringing scenes from Seth’s book to mind. I don’t think that one is far away now. 

11) The Joker—The Steve Miller Band. I had to include one that always makes me think of Sheldon. LOL. I could totally see him calling himself a “gangster of love” while everyone else called him a “space cowboy.” (If you aren’t familiar with my Immortal Guardians series, Sheldon is a mortal in the series who often provides comic relief. He also conducts many of the character interviews on my blog tours.)

So . . . it’s a mixed bag, isn’t it? Squirrels in My Pants seems to be a particular favorite of Immortal Guardians fans. Are there any unusual songs on your playlist?

About Dianne Duvall

Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series, the Aldebarian Alliance sci‐fi romance series, and The Gifted Ones medieval and time‐travel romance series. When she isn’t writing, Dianne is very active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the psychotic vampires she creates in her books.


authors taproom, dianne duvall, guest post, playlist

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