April 16, 2022

I don’t know about y’all, but lately there’s been a whole lot of adjusting going on both in my personal life and in the world around me. The moment the mask mandate in schools was removed, my six year old son brought home the cold from hell. A month later and I’m just starting to feel normal again – and yes I was tested for COVID (twice) and was negative. It was just crap luck.

Other than that, I got a job! After failing my agility test for the fire department (damn do I have some strength work to do!), I needed something. So, despite looking for a mere data entry job, I actually got a job with the same company my brother-in-law works for. Apparently there is a such a thing as “abstracting”. It’s a real estate thing that basically traces the history of a property and it’s current/prior owners before a purchase. I have found it surprisingly perfect for me lol. It’s work from home, very little phone work, and it fills my quirk of loving paperwork 😛 I do still plan on reapplying to the fire department this fall, but I have a lot to take into consideration and at this rate, it might need to wait another year.

So life has been an adjustment, but I’m working it out and feeling pretty good about it. Now I turn to putting more work back into the site and staying on top of my schedule. With that said, I want to know what you prefer with regards to series book reviews. Answer the poll below so I know what my best “Happy reading!” option is!

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