Midnight Pages by Diane Riis

Midnight Pages by Diane RiisMidnight Pages by Diane Riis
Series: Standalone
Genres: Guide
Format: Book
Pages: 370

If you are up in the middle of the night watching the clock, maybe you're up for a reason. Do you wonder why you have insomnia? Why you keep waking up at the same time every night? Do you watch the clock and worry about how tired you're going to be in the morning, getting more frustrated with each passing minute? That was me, until I surrendered and let myself listen to the night. I've solved problems, meditated, connected with Spirit (and spirits) and I've written entire books in the night. I stopped worrying about lacking the discipline to write my morning pages and I created Midnight Pages instead. This is a book to transform your insomnia into a portal for discovery. The night has something to tell you. You are on the brink of discovering what every mystic and mage knows: the night is powerful. Who knows what called you out of slumber but the night is thick with possibility and you're lucky to be awake to notice. This book helps you look for messages and signs. Through guided writing prompts, dream analysis, automatic writing and journaling, you can make the night a mystical time of self-discovery and wonder. If you listen… the night will reveal her secrets. You’re up for a reason. This book is for writers, insomnias, journal keepers and anyone interested in automatic writing or developing intuition. Using writing prompts, creative practices and meditations on writing, wakefulness, the moon, the Goddess of the Night, travelogues and a practice called Midnight Pages, you will deepen your writing practice, build up your intuition, develop your craft and figure out a little bit more just who you are and who you're meant to be. And you stop worrying that you're "wasting" your night and ruining your writing discipline. This workbook is your companion in the night. It will help you:
Link your insomnia to intuition and creativity
Deepen your spirituality
Create a midnight writing practice to prime your creativity
Imagine and manifest the life you want
Use Midnight Pages to liberate your inner wisdom
Find spiritual guidance through automatic writing
Explore the signs and symbols of your life
Accept your sleeplessness as the doorway to transformation.

Also in this series: The Romance Novel Formula, Murder in the Neighbourhood, Unburdening: An Abortion and Generational Trauma Memoir


My Review

I was once gifted a copy of a book called “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron by a dear friend hoping to help me out of a creative funk. I liked the ideas and exercises set forth, but the “morning pages” just never quite worked out, largely thanks to having young kids. Mornings were – and are – pretty unpredictable. Discovering this book was delightful. The author supports the same core ideas, but in a much more relaxed way for those of us who can’t always keep to a set regimen.

I’m more apt to get my “pages” done in the evening after the kids are in bed, and this book gave me the “permission” and flexibility to step off the path set out previously. It was a refreshing and liberating read full of insight from a relatable author. I’m so glad I found this book!



bewitching book tours, blog tour, diane riis, writing

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