Character Interview with Abby from Jennifer JamesLove Kinection by Jennifer James
Series: Standalone
Format: Book

Love, romance, hearts, flowers, cupid…. Rubbish. Abby Fine still hasn’t gotten over the pain of a year-old betrayal and plans to spend this Valentine’s Day drowning her sorrows with a ménage of men named Ben, Jerry, and Riesling. Her plans are diverted when she drops and breaks her new iPhone and gives in to a momentary hormone surge, agreeing to let office hottie and tech god Tom Walker squirm his way into her condo to fix it. Tom shows up with his Xbox, spicy Chinese food, and a habit of stealing kisses every time she lets her guard down. Can a weekend of laughter, video games, and movies change Abby’s opinion of stupid Cupid?

Also in this series: The Romance Novel Formula, Midnight Pages, Murder in the Neighbourhood
Also by this author: Halloween Heat V

Interviewing Abby Fine (Geektastic Heroine of LOVE KINECTION)

HI! Err..sorry to shout. I’m a little wound up. This is my first book tour, first book, first time interviewing Abby, and I’m a nervous wreck. I don’t want to give spoilers, but there are all these things I want to ask her….She’s an awesome gal. Smart, resourceful, and when it comes down to it, will kick the @$$ of anyone who messes with her.

I wish I was more like Abby.

Anyway, I lured her with the promise of take out Chinese and Ben & Jerry’s. We’re doing this interview, and then watching some Dr. Who on Netflix. We both have a serious David Tennant crush.

Jennifer James: Abby! So glad you came over!

Abby Fine: Oh, of course. Uh, are any of your other friends here this time? Like the big guy with the pointy teeth? I don’t have a problem with cos play, but he seemed a little too into it.

JJ: Oh, no, it’s just us. Look, Chinese over there, remote for the t.v., spoons for ice cream…

AF: Perfect. Ah, you even got out the big soup spoons for the Phish Food. That’s awesome.

JJ: Of course. So, tell me about the thing you’re wearing.

AF: Thing? Where? *looks over her outfit, confused.*

JJ: You know, that thing. * I point to the thing in question and she grins.*

AF: Oh, that thing. What, you don’t want me to say what it is?

JJ: *shaking my head no* I don’t want to give any spoilers about your story.

AF: Ahh… Well, I love it. It’s totally me. And Tom. Us. Together. Crap, this is hard to do. I feel like I’m trying to speak in text or something.

JJ: Have you seen any sign of your sister and her husband since—

AF: *glares* No, thank God. The jerks. If I had my own TARDIS, I’d totally go back in time and shave Char—
JJ: Don’t say his name! It’s like invoking evil. Remember, in every horror movie, if you say it out loud, it comes true.

AF: *laughs* Yeah, like in Cabin In The Woods, the kids read from the diary of the zombie hillbilly family, so that’s what came to kill them.

JJ: I loved the part with the unicorn. And the elevator cubey thing of death choices. Oh, and the part with the two way mirror.

AF: Uh, how about seeing Amy Acker? She’s amazing. OH! Oh! How about the office pool?

JJ: *giggles* Such a Joss thing to do.

AF: Agreed. So, if I had a TARDIS, I’d go back in time, and shave the d*ckhead whose name shall not pass my lips’s head right before our first date. But only a few patches. And also his eyebrows. Yeah. The eyebrows would be gone for sure.

JJ: *laughing uncontrollably* Oh, Abby, wasn’t what you did to him that one morning enough? I mean, it was in front of Tom and everything.

AF: Nope. *she grabs three cartons of Chinese* C’mon, I’m starving.

JJ: There’s no way you’ll eat all of that.

AF: Sure I will. I’m super hungry these days.

JJ: And why would that be?

AF: *winks* Ask Tom about how practice is going….

About Jennifer James

Jennifer James is a multi-published erotic romance author who lives in the Midwest on the shore of Lake Erie. She once landed on her head in a creek while sled riding. Not to be outdone by her older brother, she continued to play and had to walk home with frozen twigs and leaves in her hair. She loves spiked cocoa in the winter, Dirty Palmers in the summer, and has a raunchy sense of humor.


character interview, guest post, jennifer james

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