Character Inspiration from Jenna GreeneImagine by Jenna Greene
Series: Standalone
Format: Book
Pages: 338

A fierce wind and a blast of green light during a strange storm causes everything to change for Katharine Bowers and Becky Thatcher. The girls wake up in Oren, an entirely different realm than their earthly city. They meet Enalie, a fading magical presence who sets an incredible destiny before them… then simply disappears. Left alone to fend off creatures that hunt them in the night, they must relay a magical heritage that doesn’t make sense, and – if possible – save a world that they know nothing about.

Also in this series: The Romance Novel Formula, Midnight Pages, Murder in the Neighbourhood

Thanks to Bewitching Book Tours for hosting this blog tour. I have Jenna Greene, author of Imagine here today talking about character inspiration. Welcome and happy reading!


The Inspiration for a Character

My latest novel, IMAGINE, has two main characters who vary a great deal in age, appearance, and personality. The question that follows is “Where did the inspiration for these two different personas come from?” Well, I might not have known about it while I was writing, but now that the work is completed, I’m fairly certain I know the answer.

Katharine “Kat” Bowers: She is based on two roommates I had while I was in university. Their names were Kate and Cathy, so it’s pretty obvious why I chose the name Kat. Both of them had short, auburn hair, and weren’t super tall. Thus, Kat was given the same characteristics. Though my former roommates had different interests and talents, they were both feisty, not afraid to say what was on their minds, unabashed about standing up for themselves. I really admired the strength these two women had – especially since I was fairly shy at the time, lacking confidence, and just starting to find myself. Thus the character of Kat Bowers is a bit of wishful thinking on my part. I created someone who acts confident, even when she isn’t always feel so. Kat is an independent gal with a mind of her own.

Rebecca “Becky” Thatcher: Becky is probably more like me than any character I’ve ever created. Her brown hair is modeled after my own, though she wears braided pigtails and I prefer a simple ponytail. Just like me, she LOVES reading. Becky generally lives inside her own head, creating fantasies and re-living plot lines, and has great enthusiasm for every part of life. She’s a bit naïve, (though she’s only ten so it’s excusable), and also unfailingly optimistic. While I might not have her unfailing “joie de vivre”, I certainly do try to live my life with energy and joy.

I can’t say where other authors get their inspirations for characters. I can only speak of my own work. And I take my inspiration wherever I can find it. Characters I create come from people I know, the person I am, or the person I want to be.

About Jenna Greene

Jenna Greene is an elementary school teacher. When she isn’t teaching or writing, she is co-hosting “Quill and Ink: A Podcast for Book Lovers” with Miranda Oh. Jenna lives with her husband, daughter, and their cat, Thomas.


bewitching book tours, guest post, inspiration, jenna greene

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