Surviving Plagues by Erin R FlynnSurviving Plagues by Erin R Flynn
Series: Artemis University #3
Genres: Paranormal, Reverse Harem, Romance
Format: Book
Pages: 321

My name is Tamsin Vale. I’m the last known fairy and I haven’t gotten busted on that yet. I passed my midterms, which seemed like an impossibility a few months ago given I didn’t finish high school and I’m working on that at the same time. But with a lot of hard work and the support of people I’ve helped and new friends, I’m building a life I didn’t think I could ever have. It’s still an adjustment. I mean, a few months ago I thought I was human with powers and now I’m hooking up with a dragon prince. Oh, and there’s my powerful warlock professor that I’m also involved with. It’s all casual and fun, but I wonder if it would be more if I was able to connect with them emotionally. Is it even really smart to try given what else I’m facing? I mean, I am trying to save all of Faerie and find out what happened to fairies. It’s killing me not to know and to move at a turtle’s pace, but one false move and I’m dead… Along with all hope of them returning to this world with me. Hey, who doesn’t love to work under that kind of pressure?

Also in this series: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Weakened Mountains
Also by this author: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Weakened Mountains


There is a lot going on here – though there always is. Darby and Tamsin date which proves to have serious challenges. I absolutely love Hudson, but man he has some dense moments; I think Tamsin is sending some mixed signals herself though.

About the Characters

Tamsin is intuitive and quick-thinking. She’s also a closet cuddler. Craftsman is caring, supportive, and once in a while clueless. Hudson is sexy and caring. Darby is an incredibly sweet boyfriend, and they’re very cute together. Lucca is protective and sexy, but a little more subtle about it.

Things I Liked

I like the fae dogs a LOT. The plagues certainly kept things interesting and had people working together for the most part.

Things I Didn’t Like

I don’t really know how I feel about Lucca and he gets a bit pushy. It also bothers me that while they discovered what was causing the plagues, they never did discover who.

More Thoughts

The ending of this book was a bit disturbing and very sad. Oh, and Tamsin being a fairy is the world’s worst kept secret (and yet the world still hasn’t figured it out) as two more teachers know about her.

Does it stand alone?

Even less so than the last.

Bottom Line

This third installment is an edge-of-your-seat thrill ride that ends on an emotional note. I still want so much more!

About Erin R Flynn

Erin is a born Chicagoan who decided to state hop a bit, given she works from home. She currently resides in Georgia with her pup, Lord Vader Flynn. With an eclectic and addictive personality, there isn’t much that doesn’t interest her or she won’t pour herself into if it catches her fancy. She has always been interested in the darker aspects of life and mythologies—especially vampires, shifters, the occult, and anything paranormal. To date, she has published more paranormal books than she can keep up with the characters for, in different genres with dedicated readers who await each release to her numerous series under any of the three Flynn names she writes.


artemis university, dragons, erin r flynn, faerie, favorite, magic, paranormal, reverse harem, romance, shifters, university, warlocks, witches

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