Reaching Answers by Erin R FlynnReaching Answers by Erin R Flynn
Series: Artemis University #8
Genres: Paranormal, Reverse Harem, Romance
Format: Book
Pages: 347

My name is Tamsin Vale… And I’m no longer the last fairy. I found someone else finally and brought them out of the darkness. A huge part of me wishes I hadn’t. The answers he had weren’t ones I wanted. I can’t trust him, and I don’t think he’s going to be any real help with the serious trouble we’re in. Plus, he’s poking the men in my life and they aren’t handling it well. Everything is shaky right now. I’m on the outs with Mel and everyone has an opinion on that. We win one battle and more evil pops up. I make up with one man in my heart and another hurts me. All I want to do is run, but I made promises that I plan to keep. I might be doing that alone instead of with help like I’d thought. Maybe people will come around. Maybe things will get better and I can find a way not to give up. It’s probably more likely I’m going to learn about supe prison from firsthand experience.

Also in this series: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Surviving Plagues
Also by this author: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Surviving Plagues

My Thoughts

I have some mixed feelings about this one; so much so that I’m not going to follow my normal review format and am just going to throw all my thoughts at you together. Tamsin is finally able to wake more fairies and achieve some progress for Faerie and a personal goal. I think there is some forward momentum with her guys. I got some satisfaction from a public beating at one point, but it was also contradictory and confusing. Tamsin and company assist some allies when they are attacked in force, but then there’s a big cover up that just didn’t sit all that well with me. I know we read sexy romance novels for the fantasy, but the multiple orgasms and calling names out every time is actually wearing on me a bit. I’m pretty much losing track of all the politics so I just roll with it now. I also tend to skip a lot of the repetitive and monologue type stuff. So…Tamsin exhibits behaviors very characteristic of fairies, plus several other clues, but NO ONE but a couple good guys have figured it out on their own? I try to just roll with it, and I do for the most part, but it’s the hardest part for my suspension of disbelief to keep up with. So, yeah. I still love Tamsin, Craftsman, Hudson, and Darby (and others) as well as the series as a whole, but that last part grates hard on me and this – while still good – just wasn’t among my favorites of the series.

About Erin R Flynn

Erin is a born Chicagoan who decided to state hop a bit, given she works from home. She currently resides in Georgia with her pup, Lord Vader Flynn. With an eclectic and addictive personality, there isn’t much that doesn’t interest her or she won’t pour herself into if it catches her fancy. She has always been interested in the darker aspects of life and mythologies—especially vampires, shifters, the occult, and anything paranormal. To date, she has published more paranormal books than she can keep up with the characters for, in different genres with dedicated readers who await each release to her numerous series under any of the three Flynn names she writes.


artemis university, dragons, erin r flynn, faerie, magic, paranormal, reverse harem, romance, shifters, university, warlocks, witches

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