Multiplying Storms by Erin R FlynnMultiplying Storms by Erin R Flynn
Series: Artemis University #11
Genres: Paranormal, Reverse Harem, Romance
Format: Book
Pages: 237

My name is Tamsin Vale and I’m the only living heir to all of Faerie. It’s still hard to accept that, but given how often people call me “Princess” or “Your Highness” like it’s my actual name, I can’t deny it. I simply hate that I am. Yeah, it’s going that well. The councils’ win might have seemed small, but the ripples from that decision are drowning me at every turn. I can’t endure the bullying and abuse much longer, and I can’t fight back given the situation my people are in. I’m not sure I care anymore after finding out fairies being awesome was a lie. Most days I struggle to not push them all back in the darkness and live as I want… Because the more of them I free, the more I’m trapped. Something major needs to change and soon but I don’t know where to start. I can’t get my footing when I’m always at the center of the storm. The hobgoblins are clear that something worse is coming. I don’t think I have the strength to hold on anymore, and all hope left me after the last tidal wave dragged me under.

Also in this series: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Surviving Plagues
Also by this author: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Surviving Plagues


The world blows up in this book. There are several showdowns and several resolutions. We pick up from a project for the class Tamsin was forced into and it is a miserable affair that ends with some Tamsin flair. There’s a big challenge that she’s able to make a joke out of. There are a lot of events requiring clean up that are pretty significant.

About the Characters

Tamsin deals with yet more crap than usual and does so with a level head. I love all her men and Lucca has a much smaller part in her life. Neldor is interesting and despite how things started with him, he might be a decent guy after all. Lageos is disappointingly scarce as he lets himself grieve for both his mate and all the time he lost with Tamsin.

Things I Liked

I always enjoy Tamsin’s food challenges and now there’s a bit of a bonding element to them. I loved Tamsin’s vision for the future of Faerie. My favorite part was a big surprise in the book, so I can’t even get into it, but man was it a huge dramatic moment.

Things I Didn’t Like

I hate to say it, but I really don’t like Lucca and am actually glad he’s less of a presence lately. I don’t much like how hard Tamsin’s had to struggle amongst her own people.

More Thoughts

Many things are revealed and it was a scramble to deal with it all, but ultimately it was managed well. The end was both mildly confusing, a bit infuriating, and utterly heartbreaking.

Does it stand alone?

Absolutely not.

Bottom Line

Big things go down and everybody is forced to deal for better or worse. A lot of change is in store for the next book.

About Erin R Flynn

Erin is a born Chicagoan who decided to state hop a bit, given she works from home. She currently resides in Georgia with her pup, Lord Vader Flynn. With an eclectic and addictive personality, there isn’t much that doesn’t interest her or she won’t pour herself into if it catches her fancy. She has always been interested in the darker aspects of life and mythologies—especially vampires, shifters, the occult, and anything paranormal. To date, she has published more paranormal books than she can keep up with the characters for, in different genres with dedicated readers who await each release to her numerous series under any of the three Flynn names she writes.


artemis university, dragons, erin r flynn, faerie, favorite, magic, paranormal, reverse harem, romance, shifters, university, warlocks, witches

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