Absorbing Inevitability by Erin R FlynnAbsorbing Inevitability by Erin R Flynn
Series: Artemis University #13
Genres: Paranormal, Reverse Harem, Romance
Format: Book
Pages: 300

My name is Tamsin Vale… And I don’t know who I am anymore. I only have the labels and titles. There are only the masks I wear to make it through the day and try to survive the pressure. And it’s killing me. Nothing is changing for the better, at least not for me. I’m doing so much to change the lives of millions, but there’s no improvement for me. So many people hate me, want to see me fail or dead that it’s all I see. I can’t get a grip living like this anymore, and no one’s hearing me that I’m serious. I couldn’t work things out with one mate, and now one is doing everything he can to make me hate him. My guilt that Darby and Hudson have to deal with that is eating me alive. We fix one problem and five more come up. I could handle that if people worked with me as a team. They don’t see me as one of them, simply a tool for what they want. They push me much more, and they will have a former heir to Faerie.

Also in this series: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Surviving Plagues
Also by this author: Upended Life, Drowning Studies, Surviving Plagues


This book felt different – not bad or good, just different. Tamsin has a new hobby and a new hideout. People are coming at her from all sides about various things, except Darby and Hudson.

About the Characters

Tamsin just seems a little sad and overwhelmed in this book – not that I blame her. Darby and Hudson are sweet and supportive. Lucca is mentioned, but is otherwise out of the picture. Poor Craftsman just gets screwed over royally. Neldor – I’m actually falling for him a bit.

Things I Liked

There was a really hot love scene involving a fun new rune and a spectator. I appreciate how things settle with Mel. I adore how close Tamsin and Calloway become. I get the warm fuzzies as reconstruction begins in Faerie.

Things I Didn’t Like

I have trouble wrapping my head around the Craftsman situation. I understand it, and I’m glad *mild spoiler alert* he wasn’t himself, but it was still so hard to read and now I don’t know where they go from here, but I don’t want to let him go. Plus, he has a piece of her soul, so how does that work?

More Thoughts

We get an unexpected, but not too surprising revelation in the end. Tamsin also makes several important points to people who are supposed to be on her side and ultimately proves she makes no empty threats.

Does it stand alone?


Bottom Line

This book feels very much like a transition and I look forward to seeing what’s in store for a new era of sorts – especially after that ending!

About Erin R Flynn

Erin is a born Chicagoan who decided to state hop a bit, given she works from home. She currently resides in Georgia with her pup, Lord Vader Flynn. With an eclectic and addictive personality, there isn’t much that doesn’t interest her or she won’t pour herself into if it catches her fancy. She has always been interested in the darker aspects of life and mythologies—especially vampires, shifters, the occult, and anything paranormal. To date, she has published more paranormal books than she can keep up with the characters for, in different genres with dedicated readers who await each release to her numerous series under any of the three Flynn names she writes.


artemis university, dragons, erin r flynn, faerie, favorite, magic, paranormal, reverse harem, romance, shifters, university, warlocks, witches

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